Saturday, March 27, 2021

Collecting vs. Playing

image from here

"Dad, I'm collecting Theros Beyond Death." As I absorbed my son's words, I thought Oh no. My boy is just like me.

They call them 'collectible card games' for a reason. The game itself is amazing, with lots of fun, variety, and strategy packed in. But it's also collectible- "an item valued and sought by collectors."* And it's addictive.

I believe I've mentioned it before on this blog- Magic isn't for everyone, not least because the primary distribution mechanism- randomized 'blind buy' packs, where you don't know the contents- is addictive. Every purchase is a gamble (if you care about card value). And, like gambling, you seldom strike it rich. But even if you don't care about card value, there's the addiction of collecting, which is what I see in my sons- and myself.

Collecting isn't inherently bad, but can easily become so if you devote undue resources (time and money) into it. And, as it typical of any accumulation, the more you have, the less you use. You become a collector vs. player. In the past week, my sons have spent hours looking over their collection- putting cards into binders. Taking them out. Sorting them. Completing checklists. Looking at them. Asking for more cards. They've spent comparatively little time actually playing the game. I know the feeling.

Be mindful of this game- of the time you spend collecting vs. playing. And make sure you have your priorities straight.

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