Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Farewell, Core Set 2020

 This is the fourth and final post in my 'farewell' series, looking at sets as they rotate out of standard (see previous three posts). Today, we look at Core Set 2020 (M20).

I love core sets; they're more basic than Magic expansions. They still have some theme, but this is Magic at its core. Hence the name.


Here are cards that I played (or enjoyed) the most.

The theme here is elementals. This set featured them, and I really enjoyed playing that tribe.  In black, Dread Presence, Vampire of the Dire Moon, and Knight of the Ebon Legion were powerful cards. Tribal fans like me really liked Icon of Ancestry, too. One final theme worth mentioning: "flying matters," usually running white/blue. Cards like Winged Words and Empyrean Eagle made those decks fun.

Good Riddance

I'm not sad to see these cards go.

Agent of Treachery was super-annoying and eventually banned. Bloodthirsty Aerialist could have gone on my "favorite" list, but she ended here because I frequently had no answer for her hitting the battlefield for an opponent. Rotting Regisaur was more powerful than I realized, Chandra was annoying, and Nightpack Ambusher always wreaked havoc.


Of the four sets leaving Standard in a few days, I'll miss Core Set 2020 the most.

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