Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Magic Game Night

Recently, we took a nice trip to the Black Forest. In the evenings, the kids and I cracked open Game Night, a Magic product featuring five mono-colored preconstructed decks (and packaged in a fun-yet-annoying pentagonal box, pictured above). This is an 'out of the box' experience, meaning it's immediately playable (and in this case, geared towards newer players).  How was it?

In a word, fun. You can see the complete decklists here, but at a high level, I'd classify the decks as:

  • White soldiers
  • Blue artifacts
  • Black zombies
  • Red goblins
  • Green 'stompy' (large creatures)

The box also included a nice rulebook, counters, tokens, spin-down life counters for all, and little cardboard 'coasters' on which to place them.

There's not a lot of power in these- this isn't something the experienced player buys to bolster their collection- but we liked trying each deck. It's slow, which those used to powerful decks and quick wins will not enjoy. But my children liked the slower, 'grinding' experience of getting to see lots of creatures enter the battlefield and duke it out. And I did, too. In fact, I liked it so much I'm dreaming up my own version of this . . . but more on that another time.

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