Saturday, March 18, 2023

Legendary Creatures (M)

Continuing this month's theme, today I look at multi-colored legendary creatures with an eye towards suitability for inclusion in a modern/casual Jodah deck.

I used scryfall for this search, with the appropriate syntax to limit the search results. Today, I delineate by mana value. You can click on the links below to see the range of cards available at each mana value.

Multi-colored (one-cost)
There is only one multi-colored single mana-cost creature in the game: Rhys the Redeemed. (He qualifies as multi-colored because of the hybrid mana symbol.) 

Multi-colored (two-cost)
Gretchen and Zimone have nice card draw/land ramp abilities. Krydle could come in handy to make creature unblockable. Emmara can create tokens, and Saffi can save a creature in time of need.

Multi-colored (three-cost)
Minsc is two legendaries for the price of one, which would pair well with Jodah. Xira and Leovold help card draw. Cadira and Ferrous can make an army. Kethis reduces cost (not sure how that would work with Jodah's ability). 

Multi-colored (four-cost)
Shanid and Queza help with card draw. Sisay with fetching legendaries of your choosing.

Multi-colored (five-cost)
Child of Alara is a nice board wipe. Arvad and Rienne beef up your creatures (though is that needed with Jodah's ability already doing so?). Drizzt is two legendaries for the price of one, and Chulane is good for card draw and some minor protection.

Of these choices, Gretchen, Krydle, Cadira, Ferrous, Shanid, Child of Alara, and Chulane are my most likely options.

Next time, I'll look across the last three posts to see which creatures should slot in to the original Jodah deck, and which should get dropped.

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